Rostrum, Västergatan 21, 211 21 Malmö, 040-30 18 16, öppet: lörd.-sönd. kl. 12-16 & tors-fred. 14-18
6 - 21 december 2012
Vernissage torsdagen den 6 dec kl 17 - 20
Who is the predator and prey – Henry Chan
Smoking Bourdieux : Henry Chan
16 Joakim is 1, Chuyia is 6.
One view is that time is merely an abstract concept that we use to create a model of the world, a mathematical structure in much the same way as numbers
. The modern physics brings together the room´s dimensions and time to a common concept – spacetime.
We are inspired by the concept in relation of performativity, time-base process and numbers thinking and bring it to the exhibition
Performance art is now.
Performance art is live.
The time is only now.
The place is only here.
Performance art reveals itself in the present.
Coincidently, Joakim is 1st child in his family and Chuyia is 6th child in her family. The exhibition is all together16 days and both Joakim and Chuyia will make progressive actions in Rostrum with day-to-day program. In this extent viewer are encourage to visit the exhibition from time to time.
Chuyia Chia was trained from the School of Art Education (Malaysia), Nanyang Academy of Fine Art (Singapore), Curtin University of Technology (Australia) and Valand School of Art Gothenburg University (Sweden). Her exploration transacts between painting, installation, performance art and digital representative exploration. Her transaction was from the reflection of her self and cultural identity as an immigrant in the early 90s, later to recent years in global concern and attention to environmental responsibility, human connection and communication.
Joakim Stampe arbetar genomgående med motiv från vår nutida historia. Hans performances / aktioner är starkt visuella även om han även arbetar med ljud och i hög grad interaktivt med publiken. Han har visat mer än 100 olika performancekonst verk och har deltagit i performance konst festivaler/events i mer än 20 länder.Sedan sju år tillbaks leder han tillsammans med sin bror Jonas Stampe, Live Action, en av de viktigaste europeiska performance konst festivaler samt den regionala performance festivalen Live Action Plus och spelar sedan dess en mer aktiv roll på den svenska och nordiska performancekonst scenen.
Chuyia och Joakim bor och verkar i Göteborg
Information om kommande program kommer att finnas på hemsidan och på Galleriet.
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