A group of artists living in Mecklenburg – Westpomerania.

We exhibit together, reaching out to other artists, places and countries, searching for new ways to work in collaboration with other artists.
The project “Idyll.under construction” is a loose framework, where all of us, local artists, and other groups, work together, but with individual freedom.
By going to locations attracting us, locations with readable history
– radical social changes, demolition, new buildings, we create grounds for collaborate work together, communication and interesting encounters. By looking at things unprejudiced, we can maybe present a different view.

We want to communicate about the effect, the impact and the possibilities that Art may generate on specific places.

The invitation for AIR, artist in residence, at Gallery Rostrum, Malmö (swe) has lead to new questions:

Strange country, strange language, where can we find common things, a mutual playground…what will be different,?

Tanja Zimmermann/Klein Warin, Ruzica Zajec, Broder Burow/Kaarz,
Reinhard Thürmer, Iris Thürmer/Wolthof, Bernhard Schrock/Podewall
