20.10-11.11.2007, Ateljeföreningen Norra Orienten Christel Lundberg October 20, 2007 2007, EXHIBITION
17.11 – 9.12.2007, Anna Petters, The grass is on fire but I think it’s going to rain soon Christel Lundberg October 17, 2007 2007, EXHIBITION
8.6-12.8.2007, Filippa Barkman och Anna Wickbom, Fönsterutställning Christel Lundberg June 8, 2007 2007, EXHIBITION
12.5 – 3.6.2007, Lars Lengqvist och Anders Granberg, Diagram Landscapes Christel Lundberg May 12, 2007 2007, EXHIBITION
16.3-5.4.2007, Lisa Fjellman, Nära undergång tätt intill succé Christel Lundberg March 16, 2007 2007, EXHIBITION
17.2 – 11.3.2007, Nilofar Kosheshi, Syndens ornamentik Christel Lundberg February 17, 2007 2007, EXHIBITION