Under våren 2016 inleddes ett samarbete mellan det Malmö baserade Galleri Rostrum och Kunstverein Baden i Österrike. Målet var att skapa en djupgående dialog mellan de deltagande konstnärerna och mellan dessa två konstnärsdrivna gallerier. Syftet är att uppmuntra oväntade möten och inspirera till utbyten av erfarenheter samt att skapa möjligheter till eventuella samarbeten.

Den 9 mars till den 22 april i år, ställer en grupp svenska konstnärer från Galleri Rostrum ut på Kunstverein Baden i Österrike. Fram till den 4 mars kan utställningen MESH ses på Galleri Rostrum, där fem konstnärer från Kunstverein Baden, Martina Funder, Peter Kozek, (Kozek Hörlonski), Cornelia König, Barbara Szüts och Michael Wegerer visar sina verk.

[palindrome] n. ett ord, en fras eller en sekvens som läser samma bakåt som framåt (t ex kajak, naturrutan). Tidigt 1700 tal [från grekiska palindromos ’tillbakalöpande återkommande’], från palin ‘igen’ + drom- (från dramein ‘to run’). palindromisk adj.

Alla palindromer är bundna av förutsättningar som tvingar fram ett mönster. I utställningen tolkar konstnärerna temat palindrom som kan läsas, förstås och upplevas på olika sätt. De rör sig fram och tillbaka, loopar sig i cirklar, förstås som olika metaforer eller koncept, samt ses genom olika former av visualiseringar. Detta i syfte att på olika sätt öppna upp för möjligheten till spegling och reflektion. På utställningen utforskar och undersöker konstnärerna, de okända mönster som uppstår mellan deras konstverk som visas i gallerirummet samt i deras individuella konstnärskap, där även besökarna bjuds in att delta i denna process.

In the spring of 2016 a collaboration between the Malmö based Galleri Rostrum and Baden Kunstverein in Austria was initiated, where the aspiration was to elaborate in an in-depth exchange dialogue between the participating artists and these two artist-run spaces. The aim is to encourage and cooperate unexpected meetings to inspire to an exchange of experiences and a possibly for collaboration.

Between 9th March to 22th of April this year, a group of Swedish artists from Galleri Rostrum will exhibit at Kunstverein Baden in Austria. Earlier in the spring, during the of period 10th February to 4th March, five artists from Kunstverein Baden exhibited at Galleri Rostrum with the exhibition MESH. The participating artists were Martina Funder, Peter Kozek, (Kozek Hörlonski), Cornelia König, Barbara Szüts and Michael Wegerer.

[palindrome] n. a word, phrase or sequence that reads the same backwards as forwards (e.g. rotator, nurses run). Early 17th century [from Greek palindromos ‘running back again’], from palin ‘again’ + drom- (from dramein ‘to run’). palindromic adj.

All palindromes are bound by some conditions that imposes a pattern. In this exhibition the artists glance upon different angles on the theme of what can be read as a palindrome – going forward and backwards, loping in circles, like different metaphors, as concepts and visualizations in order to open up for possibility of mirroring and reflection. The artists exhibiting explore and search for unknown patterns between their different artistic practices and their created works of art on display in the gallery space, were they also invite the visitors and viewers to participate in this exploration.

Jukka Värelä is working with site-specific art in public space. He is using nature and science as an inspiration and starting point. With few components he investigates and experiments with the ratio between function and non-function, concrete and abstract, reality and dream. At this exhibition, Jukka shows sculptures/installations made by birch tree. It has references to a public place commission work that he did for a primary school in Kalmar, Sweden (Lindöskolan) and it is a kind of homage to Constantin Brancusis Endless Colomn in Romania. Jukka plays with the ideas of the palindrome and creates chains of thoughts and materia in space.


Helga Steppan is exhibiting parts of her artistic research project I Can Hear you, can you see me? (The Baumbeobachter), which relates to theme of palindromes in a mirroring and coding manner of different materialities in overlapping ecologies, as a natural part of living in the Anthropocene under global surveillance. In collaboration with Nicklas Marelius, Steppan is exhibiting the sculpture Eavesdropping Leaves, an interactive tree that acts as a spy and plays with conversations in its surrounding environment in different temporalities.

This project is supported by the The Swedish Arts Grants Committee.


www.manandeve.co.uk/artists/Helga-Steppan (older works)

Cecilia Serings Juxtaposition, circular stories is a series of artworks connected to the overall theme of [palindrome] as a metaphor of an on-going storytelling. A story is not possible to recount in a linear flow of time. Rather we should look upon it as parallel stories or circular flows. Or through juxtapositions, interlaced conversations and merged layers. Some of the works shown in this exhibition is a collaboration between her and the musician and composer Valentin Grigorov.



Malin E Nilsson often takes experiences from her own life into hers artistry, influenced by medical history and works with the material of embroidery sewing and photography. [palindrome] can be found in our DNA, it is like a safe copy to some of our cells. Sometime a DNA palindrome can mutate and a reason why we can get strange diseases. Unbearable and hard to understand “the not so perfect palindrome”.


Maria Lavman Vetö is exploring color, scale and perception, mostly with painting and digital images. She has also featured in various installation- and netart projects. Next to the artistic practice, Maria is working as an administrator at a high school in Lund. Material from the administration tasks has been used in the latest art projects. Maria shows here digital prints based on the 2000 pupil’s monthly graphical absence’s reports. The pictures are visualizing patterns – possible palindromes – from the behavior, the student’s presence and absence.


Ewa Bergs art practices is painting, screen printing and collages where she processes the color and the materiality  and put it into play with figures and the figurative elements. Her art work relate to [palindrome] like a dadaistic play with the circular both literary and formally. It can be read both forwards and backwards and form meaning both ways. It´s like a pattern back and forth. Again. I have played with words that are read as palindrome in english, german and swedish. Dad. Pop. Elle. Put-up. Väv. Teköket. Noon. Radar. Die Liebe, ist sie Beileid?


Galleri Rostrum is supported by:
The City Of Malmö and the Swedish Art council


All participating Swedish artists has recieved travel grant from The Swedish Arts Grants Committee.